Four Ways To Avoid Failure Of Your Compressed Air System

 Four Ways To Avoid Failure Of Your Compressed Air System

Since compressed air supply is critical to production systems, an unforeseen interruption in the process can be a crucial problem in your operations. After all, when you go out of business, your business suffers. Not only will you have to pay for compressed air system repairs, but you will also lose valuable money that you could earn if your business runs smoothly.

However, due to the workload your compressed air system must face, unexpected failures could be more common if you don’t care enough about your system. To that effect, we will give you four ways to avoid air compressor failures, prevent unscheduled downtime, and minimize breakdowns and repairs.

  1. Visual Inspection

If you’re looking for a quick and easy way to keep your air compressors in good shape, give them basic Fluid-Aire Dynamics inspection every week. It only takes 5 minutes to zoom into your system and do a quick visual check.

First, consider possible oil leaks. If you find any when it is still a small detail, you can avoid major problems such as hose breaks, which will cause unexpected interruptions in production.

Also, inspect the filters. If the filter is dirty, remove the dust, you do not want to leave your system without air, since it will need it to maintain the proper temperature of the compressor.

  1. Pressure Washing

If you find yourself in an environment where dust easily accumulates, you can avoid problems with your compressed air system by flushing your oil cooler before the onset of summer. A dirty system means that it will not receive the necessary air, which will lead to overheating and decreased production.

By acting proactively and power washing your cooler before the warmer months, you will maintain the compressor temperature despite rising temperatures outside, keeping everything running smoothly.

  1. Check The Oil Levels

In addition to fresh air, your air compressors need oil to keep their parts lubricated and running. Take a few moments each week to check the oil levels. You can even train someone to do it.

You don’t need to add the oil yourself, especially as doing it consistently could spell a bigger problem. Just noticing that the oil is in an abnormal range can help your system fail when you least expect it.

  1. Schedule Preventive Maintenance

Your compressed air system runs constantly and is critical to your installation. One of the best ways to prevent an unexpected production stoppage is to schedule preventive maintenance. Just as you worry about maintaining your car after certain kilometers, your air compressor system needs the same care.

With preventive maintenance on your air compressor, you can keep your equipment running safely and efficiently while reducing unnecessary and costly repairs.

Paul Petersen